There are very few things I like less than long car rides, physical activity, and sunshine when I'm hungover. Last Sunday (the day after Isabel's birthday) I was thrown into a car and forced to go apple picking on what seemed like the most picture perfect fall day. Obviously this is not the worst thing one could be doing when feeling a little unwell; yet the car ride out to the orchard in Mont St Hilaire was absolutely torturous, with waves of nausea and cold sweats hitting me every couple of minutes. Barely surviving the 45 minute treck out there, I got out of the car to a playground filled with screaming children and a depressing petting zoo. Things weren't looking up for me. All I wanted was my bed, 3o Rock reruns, and blackout curtains!

Nevertheless, it didn't take long before the fresh air and good company started to rub off on me and soon enough I was walking around with a smile on my face biting into Lobos, Spartan, and McIntosh apples. 
When our bags were full we made our way back to the gift shop to look at all the homemade apple ciders, jellies, and fresh pies. I was promised a Creperie (which was a HUGE selling point for me) and it was closed, very disappointing! By this time, we were all starting to develop a pretty serious poutine craving and ventured back to the city in hopes of finding a Cassecroute somewhere on the side of the road. We ended up at an adorable diner somewhere in St Basile (thanks to Jordan's excellent memory) where we all learnt a valuable life lesson. If you are ever asked whether you would like chicken gravy or BBQ gravy on your poutine. The answer is CHICKEN!

Now we have more apples than any human can eat. Stay tuned for an abundance of apple recipes.
Have a lovely weekend!
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